:title: Tenant Configuration

.. _tenant-config:

Tenant Configuration

After ``zuul.conf`` is configured, Zuul component servers will be able
to start, but a tenant configuration is required in order for Zuul to
perform any actions.  The tenant configuration file specifies upon
which projects Zuul should operate.  These repositories are grouped
into tenants.  The configuration of each tenant is separate from the
rest (no pipelines, jobs, etc are shared between them).

A project may appear in more than one tenant; this may be useful if
you wish to use common job definitions across multiple tenants.

Actions normally available to the Zuul operator only can be performed by specific
users on Zuul's REST API if admin rules are listed for the tenant. Authorization rules
are also defined in the tenant configuration file.

The tenant configuration file is specified by the
:attr:`scheduler.tenant_config` setting in ``zuul.conf``.  It is a
YAML file which, like other Zuul configuration files, is a list of
configuration objects, though only a few types of objects (described
below) are supported.

Alternatively the :attr:`scheduler.tenant_config_script`
can be the path to an executable that will be executed and its stdout
used as the tenant configuration. The executable must return a valid
tenant YAML formatted output.

Tenant configuration is checked for updates any time a scheduler is
started, and changes to it are read automatically. If the tenant
configuration is altered during operation, you can signal a scheduler
to read and apply the updated state in order to avoid restarting. See
the section on :ref:`reconfiguration` for instructions. Ideally,
tenant configuration deployment via configuration management should
also be made to trigger a smart-reconfigure once the file is replaced.


A tenant is a collection of projects which share a Zuul
configuration. Some examples of tenant definitions are:

.. code-block:: yaml

   - tenant:
       name: my-tenant
       max-nodes-per-job: 5
       exclude-unprotected-branches: false
             - common-config
             - shared-jobs:
                 include: job
             - zuul/zuul-jobs:
                 shadow: common-config
             - project1
             - project2:
                 exclude-unprotected-branches: true

.. code-block:: yaml

   - tenant:
       name: my-tenant
         - acl1
         - acl2
             - common-config
             - exclude:
                 - job
                 - semaphore
                 - project
                 - project-template
                 - nodeset
                 - secret
                 - project1
                 - project2:
                     exclude-unprotected-branches: true

.. attr:: tenant

   The following attributes are supported:

   .. attr:: name

      The name of the tenant.  This may appear in URLs, paths, and
      monitoring fields, and so should be restricted to URL friendly
      characters (ASCII letters, numbers, hyphen and underscore) and
      you should avoid changing it unless necessary.

   .. attr:: source

      A dictionary of sources to consult for projects.  A tenant may
      contain projects from multiple sources; each of those sources
      must be listed here, along with the projects it supports.  The
      name of a :ref:`connection<connections>` is used as the
      dictionary key (e.g. ``gerrit`` in the example above), and the
      value is a further dictionary containing the keys below.

   The next two attributes, **config-projects** and
   **untrusted-projects** provide the bulk of the information for
   tenant configuration.  They list all of the projects upon which
   Zuul will act.

   The order of the projects listed in a tenant is important.  A job
   which is defined in one project may not be redefined in another
   project; therefore, once a job appears in one project, a project
   listed later will be unable to define a job with that name.
   Further, some aspects of project configuration (such as the merge
   mode) may only be set on the first appearance of a project

   Zuul loads the configuration from all **config-projects** in the
   order listed, followed by all **untrusted-projects** in order.

   .. attr:: config-projects

      A list of projects to be treated as :term:`config projects
      <config-project>` in this tenant.  The jobs in a config project
      are trusted, which means they run with extra privileges, do not
      have their configuration dynamically loaded for proposed
      changes, and Zuul config files are only searched for in the
      ``master`` branch.

      The items in the list follow the same format described in

      .. attr:: <project>

         The config-projects have an additional config option that
         may be specified optionally.

         .. attr:: load-branch
            :default: master

            Define which branch is loaded from a config project. By
            default config projects load Zuul configuration only
            from the master branch.

   .. attr:: untrusted-projects

      A list of projects to be treated as untrusted in this tenant.
      An :term:`untrusted-project` is the typical project operated on
      by Zuul.  Their jobs run in a more restrictive environment, they
      may not define pipelines, their configuration dynamically
      changes in response to proposed changes, and Zuul will read
      configuration files in all of their branches.

      .. attr:: <project>

         The items in the list may either be simple string values of
         the project names, or a dictionary with the project name as
         key and the following values:

         .. attr:: include

            Normally Zuul will load all of the :ref:`configuration-items`
            appropriate for the type of project (config or untrusted)
            in question.  However, if you only want to load some
            items, the **include** attribute can be used to specify
            that *only* the specified items should be loaded.
            Supplied as a string, or a list of strings.

            The following **configuration items** are recognized:

            * pipeline
            * job
            * semaphore
            * project
            * project-template
            * nodeset
            * secret

         .. attr:: exclude

            A list of **configuration items** that should not be loaded.

         .. attr:: shadow

            Normally, only one project in Zuul may contain
            definitions for a given job.  If a project earlier in the
            configuration defines a job which a later project
            redefines, the later definition is considered an error and
            is not permitted.  The **shadow** attribute of a project
            indicates that job definitions in this project which
            conflict with the named projects should be ignored, and
            those in the named project should be used instead.  The
            named projects must still appear earlier in the
            configuration.  In the example above, if a job definition
            appears in both the ``common-config`` and ``zuul-jobs``
            projects, the definition in ``common-config`` will be

         .. attr:: exclude-unprotected-branches

            Define if unprotected branches should be processed.
            Defaults to the tenant wide setting of
            exclude-unprotected-branches. This currently only affects
            GitHub and GitLab projects.

         .. attr:: include-branches

            A list of regexes matching branches which should be
            processed.  If omitted, all branches are included.
            Operates after *exclude-unprotected-branches* and so may
            be used to further reduce the set of branches (but not
            increase it).

            It has priority over *exclude-branches*.

         .. attr:: exclude-branches

            A list of regexes matching branches which should be
            processed.  If omitted, all branches are included.
            Operates after *exclude-unprotected-branches* and so may
            be used to further reduce the set of branches (but not
            increase it).

            It will not exclude a branch which already matched

         .. attr:: always-dynamic-branches

            A list of regular expressions matching branches which
            should be treated as if every change newly proposes
            dynamic Zuul configuration.  In other words, the only time
            Zuul will realize any configuration related to these
            branches is during the time it is running jobs for a
            proposed change.

            This is potentially useful for situations with large
            numbers of rarely used feature branches, but comes at the
            cost of a significant reduction in Zuul features for these

            Every regular expression listed here will also implicitly
            be included in *exclude-branches*, therefore Zuul will not
            load any static in-repo configuration from this branch.
            These branches will not be available for use in overriding
            checkouts of repos, nor will they be included in the git
            repos that Zuul prepares for *required-projects* (unless
            there is a change in the dependency tree for this branch).

            In particular, this means that the only jobs which can be
            specified for these branches are pre-merge and gating jobs
            (such as :term:`check` and :term:`gate`).  No post-merge
            or periodic jobs will run for these branches.

            Using this setting also incurs additional processing for
            each change submitted for these branches as Zuul must
            recalculate the configuration layout it uses for such a
            change as if it included a change to a ``zuul.yaml`` file,
            even if the change does not alter the configuration).

            With all these caveats in mind, this can be useful for
            repos with large numbers of rarely used branches as it
            allows Zuul to omit their configuration in most
            circumstances and only calculate the configuration of a
            single additional branch when it is used.

         .. attr:: implied-branch-matchers

            This is a boolean, which, if set, may be used to enable
            (``true``) or disable (``false``) the addition of implied
            branch matchers to job and project-template definitions.
            Normally Zuul decides whether to add these based on
            heuristics described in :attr:`job.branches`.  This
            attribute overrides that behavior.

            This can be useful if branch settings for this project may
            produce an unpredictable number of branches to load from.
            Setting this value explicitly here can avoid unexpected
            behavior changes as branches are added or removed from the
            load set.

            The :attr:`pragma.implied-branch-matchers` pragma will
            override the setting here if present.

            Note that if a job contains an explicit branch matcher, it
            will be used regardless of the value supplied here.

         .. attr:: extra-config-paths

            Normally Zuul loads in-repo configuration from the first
            of these paths:

            * zuul.yaml
            * zuul.d/*
            * .zuul.yaml
            * .zuul.d/*

            If this option is supplied then, after the normal process
            completes, Zuul will also load any configuration found in
            the files or paths supplied here.  This can be a string or
            a list.  If a list of multiple items, Zuul will load
            configuration from *all* of the items in the list (it will
            not stop at the first extra configuration found).
            Directories should be listed with a trailing ``/``.  Example:

            .. code-block:: yaml

                 - zuul-extra.yaml
                 - zuul-extra.d/

            This feature may be useful to allow a project that
            primarily holds shared jobs or roles to include additional
            in-repo configuration for its own testing (which may not
            be relevant to other users of the project).

      .. attr:: <project-group>

         The items in the list are dictionaries with the following
         attributes. A **configuration items** definition is applied
         to the list of projects.

         .. attr:: include

            A list of **configuration items** that should be loaded.

         .. attr:: exclude

            A list of **configuration items** that should not be loaded.

         .. attr:: projects

            A list of **project** items.

   .. attr:: max-dependencies

      This setting can be used to limit the number of dependencies
      that Zuul will consider when enqueing a change in any pipeline
      in this tenant.  If used, it should be set to a value that is
      higher than the highest number of dependencies that are expected
      to be encountered.  If, when enqueing a change, Zuul detects
      that the dependencies will exceed this value, Zuul will not
      enqueue the change and will provide no feedback to the user.
      This is meant only to protect the Zuul server from resource
      exhaustion when excessive dependencies are present.  The default
      (unset) is no limit.  Note that the value ``0`` does not disable
      this option; instead it limits Zuul to zero dependencies.  This
      is distinct from :attr:`<gerrit connection>.max_dependencies`.

   .. attr:: max-nodes-per-job
      :default: 5

      The maximum number of nodes a job can request.  A value of
      '-1' value removes the limit.

   .. attr:: max-job-timeout
      :default: 10800

      The maximum timeout for jobs. A value of '-1' value removes the limit.

   .. attr:: exclude-unprotected-branches
      :default: false

      When using a branch and pull model on a shared repository
      there are usually one or more protected branches which are gated
      and a dynamic number of personal/feature branches which are the
      source for the pull requests. These branches can potentially
      include broken Zuul config and therefore break the global tenant
      wide configuration. In order to deal with this Zuul's operations
      can be limited to the protected branches which are gated. This
      is a tenant wide setting and can be overridden per project.
      This currently only affects GitHub and GitLab projects.

   .. attr:: default-parent
      :default: base

      If a job is defined without an explicit :attr:`job.parent`
      attribute, this job will be configured as the job's parent.
      This allows an administrator to configure a default base job to
      implement local policies such as node setup and artifact

   .. attr:: default-ansible-version

      Default ansible version to use for jobs that doesn't specify a version.
      See :attr:`job.ansible-version` for details.

   .. attr:: allowed-triggers
      :default: all connections

      The list of connections a tenant can trigger from. When set, this setting
      can be used to restrict what connections a tenant can use as trigger.
      Without this setting, the tenant can use any connection as a trigger.

   .. attr:: allowed-reporters
      :default: all connections

      The list of connections a tenant can report to. When set, this setting
      can be used to restrict what connections a tenant can use as reporter.
      Without this setting, the tenant can report to any connection.

   .. attr:: allowed-labels
      :default: []

      The list of labels (as strings or :ref:`regular expressions <regex>`)
      a tenant can use in a job's nodeset. When set, this setting can
      be used to restrict what labels a tenant can use.  Without this
      setting, the tenant can use any labels.

   .. attr:: disallowed-labels
      :default: []

      The list of labels (as strings or :ref:`regular expressions <regex>`)
      a tenant is forbidden to use in a job's nodeset. When set, this
      setting can be used to restrict what labels a tenant can use.
      Without this setting, the tenant can use any labels permitted by
      :attr:`tenant.allowed-labels`.  This check is applied after the
      check for `allowed-labels` and may therefore be used to further
      restrict the set of permitted labels.

   .. attr:: web-root

      If this tenant has a whitelabeled installation of zuul-web, set
      its externally visible URL here (e.g.,
      ``https://tenant.example.com/``).  This will override the
      :attr:`web.root` setting when constructing URLs for this tenant.

   .. attr:: admin-rules

      A list of authorization rules to be checked in order to grant
      administrative access to the tenant through Zuul's REST API and
      web interface.

      At least one rule in the list must match for the user to be allowed to
      execute privileged actions.  A matching rule will also allow the user
      access to the tenant in general (i.e., the rule does not need to be
      duplicated in `access-rules`).

      More information on tenant-scoped actions can be found in

   .. attr:: access-rules

      A list of authorization rules to be checked in order to grant
      read access to the tenant through Zuul's REST API and web

      If no rules are listed, then anonymous access to the tenant is
      permitted.  If any rules are present then at least one rule in
      the list must match for the user to be allowed to access the

      More information on tenant-scoped actions can be found in

   .. attr:: authentication-realm

      Each authenticator defined in Zuul's configuration is associated to a realm.
      When authenticating through Zuul's Web User Interface under this tenant, the
      Web UI will redirect the user to this realm's authentication service. The
      authenticator must be of the type ``OpenIDConnect``.

      .. note::

         Defining a default realm for a tenant will not invalidate
         access tokens issued from other configured realms. This is
         intended so that an operator can issue an overriding access
         token manually. If this is an issue, it is advised to add
         finer filtering to admin rules, for example, filtering by the
         ``iss`` claim (generally equal to the issuer ID).

   .. attr:: semaphores

      A list of names of :attr:`global-semaphore` objects to allow
      jobs in this tenant to access.

.. _global_semaphore:

Global Semaphore

Semaphores are normally defined in in-repo configuration (see
:ref:`semaphore`), however to support use-cases where semaphores are
used to represent constrained global resources that may be used by
multiple Zuul tenants, semaphores may be defined within the main
tenant configuration file.

In order for a job to use a global semaphore, the semaphore must first
be defined in the tenant configuration file with
:attr:`global-semaphore` and then added to each tenant which should
have access to it with :attr:`tenant.semaphores`.  Once that is done,
Zuul jobs may use that semaphore in the same way they would use a
normal tenant-scoped semaphore.

If any tenant which is granted access to a global semaphore also has a
tenant-scoped semaphore defined with the same name, that definition
will be treated as a configuration error and subsequently ignored in
favor of the global semaphore.

An example definition looks similar to the normal semaphore object:

.. code-block:: yaml

   - global-semaphore:
       name: global-semaphore-foo
       max: 5

.. attr:: global-semaphore

   The following attributes are available:

   .. attr:: name

      The name of the semaphore, referenced by jobs.

   .. attr:: max
      :default: 1

      The maximum number of running jobs which can use this semaphore.

.. _authz_rule_definition:

Authorization Rule

An authorization rule is a set of conditions the claims of a user's
JWT must match in order to be allowed to perform actions at a tenant's

When an authorization rule is included in the tenant's `admin-rules`,
the protected actions available are **autohold**, **enqueue**,
**dequeue** and **promote**.

.. note::

   Rules can be overridden by the ``zuul.admin`` claim in a token if if matches
   an authenticator configuration where `allow_authz_override` is set to true.
   See :ref:`authentication` for more details.

Below are some examples of how authorization rules can be defined:

.. code-block:: yaml

   - authorization-rule:
       name: affiliate_or_admin
         - resources_access:
               roles: "affiliate"
           iss: external_institution
         - resources_access.account.roles: "admin"
   - authorization-rule:
       name: alice_or_bob
         - zuul_uid: alice
         - zuul_uid: bob

Zuul previously used ``admin-rule`` for these definitions.  That form
is still permitted for backwards compatibility, but is deprecated and
will be removed in a future version of Zuul.

.. attr:: authorization-rule

   The following attributes are supported:

   .. attr:: name

      The name of the rule, so that it can be referenced in the ``admin-rules``
      attribute of a tenant's definition. It must be unique.

   .. attr:: conditions

      This is the list of conditions that define a rule. A JWT must match **at
      least one** of the conditions for the rule to apply. A condition is a
      dictionary where keys are claims. **All** the associated values must
      match the claims in the user's token; in other words the condition dictionary
      must be a "sub-dictionary" of the user's JWT.

      Zuul's authorization engine will adapt matching tests depending on the
      nature of the claim in the token, eg:

      * if the claim is a JSON list, check that the condition value is in the
      * if the claim is a string, check that the condition value is equal to
        the claim's value

      The claim names can also be written in the XPath format for clarity: the

      .. code-block:: yaml

            roles: "affiliate"

      is equivalent to the condition

      .. code-block:: yaml

        resources_access.account.roles: "affiliate"

      The special ``zuul_uid`` claim refers to the ``uid_claim`` setting in an
      authenticator's configuration. By default it refers to the ``sub`` claim
      of a token. For more details see the :ref:`authentication`.

      Under the above example, the following token would match rules
      ``affiliate_or_admin`` and ``alice_or_bob``:

      .. code-block:: javascript

         'iss': 'external_institution',
         'aud': 'my_zuul_deployment',
         'exp': 1234567890,
         'iat': 1234556780,
         'sub': 'alice',
         'resources_access': {
             'account': {
                 'roles': ['affiliate', 'other_role']

      And this token would only match rule ``affiliate_or_admin``:

      .. code-block:: javascript

         'iss': 'some_other_institution',
         'aud': 'my_zuul_deployment',
         'exp': 1234567890,
         'sub': 'carol',
         'iat': 1234556780,
         'resources_access': {
             'account': {
                 'roles': ['admin', 'other_role']

Authorization Rule Templating

The special word "{tenant.name}" can be used in conditions' values. It will be automatically
substituted for the relevant tenant when evaluating authorizations for a given
set of claims. For example, consider the following rule:

.. code-block:: yaml

   - authorization-rule:
       name: tenant_in_groups
         - groups: "{tenant.name}"

If applied to the following tenants:

.. code-block:: yaml

   - tenant:
       name: tenant-one
         - tenant_in_groups
   - tenant:
       name: tenant-two
         - tenant_in_groups

Then this set of claims will be allowed to perform protected actions on **tenant-one**:

.. code-block:: javascript

   'iss': 'some_other_institution',
   'aud': 'my_zuul_deployment',
   'exp': 1234567890,
   'sub': 'carol',
   'iat': 1234556780,
   'groups': ['tenant-one', 'some-other-group'],

And this set of claims will be allowed to perform protected actions on **tenant-one**
and **tenant-two**:

.. code-block:: javascript

     'iss': 'some_other_institution',
     'aud': 'my_zuul_deployment',
     'exp': 1234567890,
     'sub': 'carol',
     'iat': 1234556780,
     'groups': ['tenant-one', 'tenant-two'],

API Root

Most actions in zuul-web, zuul-client, and the REST API are understood
to be within the context of a specific tenant and therefore the
authorization rules specified by that tenant apply.  When zuul-web is
deployed in a multi-tenant scenario (the default), there are a few
extra actions or API methods which are outside of the context of an
individual tenant (for example, listing the tenants or observing the
state of Zuul system components).  To control access to these methods,
an `api-root` object can be used.

At most one `api-root` object may appear in the tenant configuration
file.  If more than one appears, it is an error.  If there is no
`api-root` object, then anonymous read-only access to the tenant list
and other root-level API methods is assumed.

The ``/api/info`` endpoint is never protected by Zuul since it
supplies the authentication information needed by the web UI.

API root access is not a pre-requisite to access tenant-specific URLs.

.. attr:: api-root

   The following attributes are supported:

   .. attr:: authentication-realm

      Each authenticator defined in Zuul's configuration is associated
      to a realm.  When authenticating through Zuul's Web User
      Interface at the multi-tenant root, the Web UI will redirect the
      user to this realm's authentication service. The authenticator
      must be of the type ``OpenIDConnect``.

      .. note::

         Defining a default realm for the root API will not invalidate
         access tokens issued from other configured realms.  This is
         intended so that an operator can issue an overriding access
         token manually. If this is an issue, it is advised to add
         finer filtering to admin rules, for example, filtering by the
         ``iss`` claim (generally equal to the issuer ID).

   .. attr:: access-rules

      A list of authorization rules to be checked in order to grant
      read access to the top-level (i.e., non-tenant-specific) portion
      of Zuul's REST API and web interface.

      If no rules are listed, then anonymous access to top-level
      methods is permitted.  If any rules are present then at at least
      one rule in the list must match for the user to be allowed

      More information on tenant-scoped actions can be found in